What is an Bankruptcy?

Thinking of just going Bankrupt to get it over and done with?

So what is involved with Bankruptcy?


Going through Bankruptcy involves paying £680 (£683 in Northern Ireland) one off fee and you will be asked to contribute what you can afford for 3 years/36 months and the remained of the debt will be written off normally after 12 months.

In Scotland Bankruptcy is also known as Sequestration, costs £150 one of fee to the Accountant in Bankruptcy (AiB) you will be asked to contribute what you can afford for 4 years/48 months and the remained of the debt will be written off normally after 12 months.

A this is a form of insolvency this will go on your credit file for up to 6 years under a public notice.

Lady reading up what an IVA is

Benefits of going through Bankruptcy?



  • Interest, charges and debt collection activity will stop 
  • Debts are normally written off after 12 months 
  • You may be able to keep essential household goods 
  • You can do the whole application process online and pay the costs in instalments (England and Wales only)
  • Debt collection activity stops
  • You do not go to court
  • A trustee deals with your creditors for you

Risks of going through Bankruptcy?




  • You may have to sell assets like a home or car
  • You may have make monthly payments for three years or four years in Scotland
  • Bankruptcy is on the public Register of Insolvencies for at least five years. Sometimes longer
  • It shows on your credit file for six years
  • There are restrictions borrowing while bankrupt
  • Bankruptcy could affect your rental agreement
  • Your bankruptcy may be extended. This means it could last longer
  • It might affect your job 
woman learning about a protected trust deed on the debt helplines website